Amy Leighton | Mindset + Confidence Coach

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It’s time to get rid of clothes you don’t feel good in…

It's March, spring is (vaguely) in the air and I don't know about you, but once this snow has gone that we've currently got in the UK, I've got a feeling it might be time to do some spring cleaning very soon 🌸

Something I've been chatting about with clients is having a spring clean of their own self-expectations and getting rid of things that no longer serve them.

One of them mentioned how that included toxic expectations that they have been putting on themselves. I asked if she could expand on what she meant and she told me the following...

👉🏻 She is so fed up of being sold that by doing x, y and z, her life will change overnight. Because in her words, it simply doesn't work and it has been making her feel inferior to all those insta girls, insecure about herself and her achievements (or feeling of a lack of) and doubting what she can do.

And you know what? What she said really resonated with me too.

Change takes time. There's a reason why quick fixes don't last... because new behaviour patterns haven't been altered and embedded enough to create long-lasting change. What does that mean? That the goal of meditating every day disappears after 3 days, the gratitude list becomes unsustainable and the manifesting feels like something else that doesn't work for you.

Don’t feel bad that you aren’t seeing the rapid transformation that you were promised. If you want to feel good and manifesting isn’t working, it isn’t your fault.

➡ Here’s something you can do today that *will* make you feel good….

1️⃣ Unfollow the people that you’re comparing yourself to; they’ve done everything right but you’re falling behind. You can mute, don’t have to unfollow.

2️⃣ Get rid of clothes you don’t feel good in and don’t fit you right - our bodies change, it’s totally normal!

3️⃣ Too tired to cook? Get a weekly meal delivery service (we’re using Gusto at the moment and it has helped a huge amount).

4️⃣ Get a cleaner… delegate that sh*t!

5️⃣ …and if you need someone to talk to - get in touch!

I challenge you to try at least one, and let me know how you get on!

Amy x